FM 5-71-2: Armored Task-Force Engineer Combat Operations
Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
Field Manual (FM) 5-71-2 describes how the mechanized division engineer company supports a mechanized-infantry or armored battalion task force (TF). It is designed as an engineer extension of FM 71-2. This manual serves as a guide for both TF engineers and subordinate leaders in planning, integrating, and conducting engineer operations. It also serves as a guide for the TF staff and subordinate maneuver commanders on the organization, capabilities, and employment of TF engineers.
This manual sets forth the principles of conducting engineer operations supporting an armored TF. It addresses engineer tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) that highlight critical principles. However, the TTP are intended to be descriptive rather than prescriptive; they are not a replacement for the TTP and standing operating procedures (SOPs) that are unique to the supported unit. This publication is also designed to be used by corps combat, separate, and armored cavalry mechanized combat-engineer companies.
FM 5-71-2 is fully compatible with Army doctrine as contained in FM 100-5 and is consistent with other combined-arms doctrine. This is not a stand-alone manual. The user must have a fundamental understanding of the concepts outlined in FMs 100-5, 100-7, 100-16, 71-1, 71-2, 5-71-100, 5-100, 101-5, and 101-5-1. This manual also implements Standardization Agreements (STANAGs) 2394 and 2868.
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