FM 5-7-30: Bridge Engineer and Engineer Company Combat Operations (Airborne, Air Assault, Light)
Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
Field Manual (FM) 5-7-30 is the capstone manual for engineer support to airborne, air assault, and light infantry brigade operations. It is designed to be the engineer extension to FM 7-30. The manual serves as a guide for light brigade engineers and light engineer company commanders in planning, integrating, and conducting engineer operations to support a light brigade. It also serves as a guide to the brigade staff and subordinate maneuver commanders on the organization, capabilities, and employment of engineers as a force multiplier. The manual provides division-level engineer planners with the principles of brigade engineer operations affecting their integration into brigade operations.
This manual applies to the light brigade and the light engineer company that supports it. FM 5-7-30 sets forth the principles that guide the conduct of engineer operations supporting the brigade. It addresses engineer tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) as necessary to emphasize critical points or principles. The TTP are intended to be descriptive rather than prescriptive and are not a replacement for the TTP or unit standing operating procedures (SOP) unique to the supported brigade.
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