FM 5-10: Combat Engineer Platoon
Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
Field Manual (FM) 5-10 is designed as a companion manual for FM 5-34 and is structured using the following Battlefield Operating Systems (BOS) as a framework:
• Intelligence.
• Maneuver.
• Mobility and survivability.
• Fire support (FS).
• Air defense (AD).
• Combat service support (CSS).
• Command and control (C2).
Each BOS is not discussed in detail. Instead, they are used to outline considerations for how the engineer platoon supports the total combined-arms (CA) effort. The bulk of the platoon's missions concentrates on mobility, countermobility, and survivability operations in support of the mobility and survivability BOS. However, the platoon leader and sergeant must have an understanding of the role their platoon plays in supporting all the BOS. More importantly, the platoon leader and sergeant must understand the impact of all the BOS on platoon planning, preparation, and execution.
This FM also has three appendices: Appendix A covers basic formations, movement techniques, and hand-and-arm signals; Appendix B contains checklists for security, precombat, and packing; and Appendix C covers case studies for mounted and dismounted breaching.
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