FM 5-0: Army Planning and Orders Production
Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
Doctrine provides a military organization with unity of effort and a common philosophy, language, and purpose. FM 5-0 is the Army’s keystone manual for planning operations. It is the Army’s doctrinal source for problem solving, the military decision making process (MDMP), troop leading procedures (TLP), and formats for Army plans and orders.
FM 5-0 promotes a common understanding of the fundamentals of planning and provides the foundation for developing tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for planning in all Army publications. It provides a doctrinal approach to decision making that helps commanders and their staffs examine a situation, reach logical conclusions, and make informed decisions. FM 5-0 is the common reference for planning within the Army education system.
FM 5-0 includes MDMP and formats for plans, orders, and briefings formerly found in FM 101-5. Staff responsibilities, staff officer duties during preparation for and execution of operations, rehearsals, information management, and liaison duties formerly addressed in FM 101-5, are now covered in FM 6-0.
Chapter 1 describes the Army’s approach to planning and discusses the nature of plans and planning activities. Chapter 2 discusses Army problem solving in general terms and prescribes the steps of the Army problem solving process. Chapter 3 explains the MDMP. Chapter 4 discusses TLP. The appendixes are planning tools to assist commanders and staffs in planning, decision making, orders production, and military briefings.
FM 5-0 applies to all Army leaders. Chapters 1 and 2 contain doctrine and TTP that apply to planning and solving problems at all echelons throughout the institutional and field Army. The primary audience for Chapter 3 is battalionthrough corps-level commanders, leaders, and staffs. Chapter 4 applies to leaders and Soldiers at company-level and below. The appendices support Chapters 2 through 4.
Doctrine in FM 5-0 applies across the spectrum of conflict (peacetime military engagement, smaller-scale contingencies, and major theater war), and the range of operations (offense, defense, stability, and support). FM 5-0 does not detail tactical missions or the use of forces during operations. The examples provided are guides only, showing general application procedures.
Army headquarters serving as the headquarters of a joint force land component or joint task force should refer to JP 5-0 and other joint planning publications. Additionally, Army service component commands, and headquarters serving as
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