FM 4-20.166: Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 2- and 4-Litter Ambulances
Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
This manual tells and shows how to rig the M996 2-litter armored ambulance (HMMWV) and the M997 4-litter ambulance. The M996 ambulance can be low-velocity airdropped from C-17 and C-130 aircraft. The M997 ambulance is restricted to the C-17 aircraft only.
The M996, 2-litter, armored ambulance weighs 7,180 pounds with the fuel tank no more than ¾ full. The vehicle is 203 inches long, 87 inches high, and 86 inches wide. The body configuration makes other uses of this vehicle possible, such as specialized communication or command and control functions.
The M997 4-litter ambulance weighs 7,880 pounds with the fuel tank no more than ¾ full. The vehicle is 204 inches long, 99 inches high and 85 inches wide. The height restricts this load to the C-17 aircraft only.
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