Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
FM 3-90.2 describes the tactical employment of the tank and mechanized infantry battalion task force. It specifically addresses operations for battalion task forces organized under the Army of Excellence (AOE) and the Limited Conversion Design (LCD)/Force XXI. FM 3-90.2 provides the doctrinal foundation that governs the development of equipment, training, and structure for tank and mechanized infantry battalion task forces. It provides basic doctrine, tactics, techniques of employment, organization, exercise of command and control (C2), movements and tactical operations appropriate to the battalion task force. The tactics, techniques, and procedures described herein are intended as a guide and are to be viewed as flexible in application, depending on the factors of METT-TC. Each situation in combat must be resolved by an intelligent interpretation and application of the doctrine set forth herein.
Because not all tank and mechanized infantry battalion task forces are digitally equipped, this manual addresses analog and digital operations, technology applications, and equipment. Tactical fundamentals do not change with the fielding of new equipment; however, the integration of new equipment and organizations may require changes in related techniques and procedures.
FM 3-90.2 is written for the commander, the staff, subordinate commanders, and all supporting units. It reflects and supports the Army operations doctrine as stated in FM 3-0 and FM 3-90 yet provides unique techniques specific to the audience of this manual, which are not covered in the above manuals. Examples and graphics are provided to illustrate principles and concepts--not to serve as prescriptive responses to tactical situations. FM 3-90.2 provides units with the doctrinal foundation to train leaders and staffs, guide tactical planning, and develop standing operating procedures (SOP). It applies to all tank and mechanized infantry task forces in the Active Component (AC) and Reserve Component (RC/national guard [NG]) forces.
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