FM 3-22.27: MK 19, 40-mm GRENADE MACHINE GUN, MOD 3
Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
This manual discusses how to train the unit to use the MK 19, 40-mm grenade machine gun, model (MOD) 3, referred to in this manual as the MK 19. This manual highlights mechanical training, weapon capabilities, and gunnery principles, methods, techniques, and standards that apply to the MOD 3. It also includes preliminary gunnery, a gunnery skills test, gunnery tables, and qualification tables. If this information conflicts with an applicable technical manual (TM), revised TM, or TM update, the crew will follow the guidance in the most recently published document.
The primary audiences for this manual are soldiers, trainers, and staff officers. Units can modify the gunnery program to meet local training restraints. Although the gunnery tables are intended for use with live fire, trainers can use the tactical engagement simulator system (TESS), a video disc trainer (VDT), a multipurpose arcade combat simulator (MACS), or other training device, except on qualification tables.
In all cases, units must evaluate their training to ensure that it follows the building-block principle and adheres to sound training policy. Only a crew that is trained and does well in preliminary gunnery exercises is likely to do well in live-fire exercises (LFX) and in combat situations.
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