Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
In 1996, the United States (US) Army Military Police (MP) Corps restructured its four combat support (CS) missions into the following five CS functions. These functions adequately describe MP capabilities in support of US forces deployed worldwide.
• Maneuver and mobility support.
• Areasecurity.
• Law and order (L&O).
• Internment/resettlement (I/R).
• Police intelligence operations.
Field Manual (FM) 3-19.40 depicts the doctrinal foundation, principles, and processes that MP will employ when dealing with enemy prisoners of war (EPWs), civilian internees (CIs), US military prisoner operations, and MP support to civil-military operations (populace and resource control [PRC], humanitarian assistance [HA], and emergency services [ES]). FM 3-19.40 is not a standalone manual, and it must be used in combination with other publications. These publications are pointed out throughout the manual, and a consolidated list is provided in the bibliography.
This manual provides guidance that can be used by US Army service schools, students, sister services, and federal agencies. It is fully compatible with current joint, multinational, and interagency doctrine.
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