Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
This manual describes how the field artillery (FA) gunnery program is executed to produce combat-proficient FA personnel, leaders, crews, and sections. This manual provides standards, principles, and techniques for achieving technical proficiency and safety in the operation of Field Artillery systems and weapons.
FM 3-09.8 is an integrated presentation that addresses all FA systems in a safe, technically and doctrinally grounded, progressive, task-oriented training model. This manual is designed for artillery leaders at all levels and is a resource for all types of artillery units. The programs outlined in this manual follow the concepts and guidance provided in FM 7-0 and FM 7-1.
The tasks, conditions, and standards in this manual are based on system technical manuals, training products, and tasks in military occupational specialty (MOS) 13-series Soldier’s manuals, and Army Training and Evaluation Program (ARTEP) 6-series mission training plans. In all cases, use only the most current technical manuals as references when executing the tables. All FA units are encouraged to provide ideas to upgrade the tasks, conditions, and standards in this manual.
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