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Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.

This publication provides a single-source tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) manual that focuses on conducting peace operations (PO) at the brigade level of warfighting. Joint Warfighting Center’s Joint Task Force (JTF) Commander’s Handbook for Peace Operations and JP 3-07.3 Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Peace Operations, the current publications dedicated to PO, focus on the strategic and operational levels of war and do not provided the level of detail required for Army and Marine Corps TTP.

This publication is designed for use at the tactical level for planning and conducting joint or multi-Service PO. It will assist in training, planning, and conducting operations. This publication will serve as the focal point to guide the readers to existing TTP, and provide TTP where gaps exist. In general terms, the tactical level refers to those operations conducted by tactical units or task forces conducted at the O-6 level of command. This publication offers the reader a basic understanding of joint and multinational PO, an overview of the nature and fundamentals of PO, and detailed discussion of selected military tasks associated with PO. To a limited degree, this publication will also focus the commander and staff on training objectives for the proper execution of PO. This publication has worldwide application and is intended to supplement, at the tactical level, JP 3-07.3 Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Peace Operations and Allied Tactical Publication (ATP)-, Peace Support Operations, Techniques and Procedures.

The TTP described in this publication apply to all elements of a joint force that may be executing PO missions under the command of a United States (US) only or multinational military organization. This publication uses approved joint, allied, and Service doctrine and terminology as a foundation. Guidance and TTPs established in this publication are not Service specific and apply to any tactical units within combatant commands, subunified commands, joint task forces, and subordinate components of these commands that may be required to execute missions or tasks associated with PO. This publication applies to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. It may also be used by multi-Service and service components of a joint force to conduct PO training and operations. Procedures herein may be modified to fit specific theater procedures, allied, and foreign national requirements.

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