Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
The Chaplain Corps is the Army’s primary agency for practically ensuring the free exercise of religion for America’s soldiers. This responsibility also applies to the Chaplain Corps’ religious support to Army family members, Department of Army (DA) civilians, and other authorized personnel. The Chaplain Corps ensures free exercise of religion by executing the command religious programs of Army commanders.
FM 1-05 establishes the Army’s definitive doctrine for the execution of comprehensive religious support across the full spectrum of operations. It is founded upon the Army’s operational doctrine articulated in FM 3-0 and FM 101-5 and other supporting documents. FM 1-05 is compatible with the joint religious support doctrine contained in JP 1-05. This doctrine pronounces that the personal delivery of religious support is the primary focus of the Chaplain Corps and places greater emphasis on the chaplain’s role as an advisor to the commander. It takes into account emerging technology, possesses a broader focus on religious support at echelons above brigade, and speaks clearly to the interface between religious support operations and civil military operations. It is the authoritative, but not prescriptive, guide to the missions, roles, responsibilities, and duties the Chaplain Corps must execute to deliver comprehensive religious support.
FM 1-05 provides guidance to commanders at all echelons responsible for providing command religious support programs to their units and organizations, as well as, to Chaplains, Chaplain Assistants and other personnel responsible to plan, prepare, and provide religious support to The Army. This guidance is the principle tool for professional education in the art of religious support operations. Trainers at all echelons should employ it as the authoritative guide for the planning and execution of religious support training. For overseas theaters, this doctrine applies to U.S. unilateral operations only, subject to applicable host nation laws and agreements.
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