FM 3-22.90: MORTARS
Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
This publication prescribes guidance for leaders and crewmen of mortar squads. It concerns mortar crew training, and it is used with the applicable technical manuals (TMs) and Army Training and Evaluation Programs (ARTEPs). It presents practical solutions to assist in the timely delivery of accurate mortar fires, but does not discuss all possible situations. Local requirements may dictate minor variations from the methods and techniques described herein. However, principles should not be violated by modification of techniques and methods.
The scope of this publication includes mortar crew training at the squad level. The 60-mm mortar, M224; 81-mm mortar, M252; and 120-mm mortars, M120/M121 are discussed, to include nomenclature, sighting, equipment, characteristics, capabilities, and ammunition. (For information on the tactics, techniques, and procedures that mortar sections and platoons use to execute the combat mission, refer to FM 7.90.)
This manual was revised to delete references to obsolete material and systems. In addition to various editorial corrections, this revision—
•Removes all references to M2 and M19 mortar systems, as they are now obsolete.
•Removes all references to M29 and M29A1 mortar systems, as they are now obsolete (except for M29A1 use with the M303 subcaliber insert).
• Removes all references to the sabot, as this round is now obsolete.
• Replaces all references to the five-man mortar squad with the term “four-man mortar squad” to reflect the new structure.
• Removes all references to the first and second ammunition bearers to reflect the new four-man mortar squad. All references now read “ammunition bearer.”
• Replaces references to common terms with their accepted modifications. These modifications include—
• Replacing the term “nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC)” with “chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN).’
• Replacing the term “battle dress uniforms (BDUs)” with “Army combat uniforms (ACUs).”
• Replacing the term “light infantry” with “infantry brigade combat team (IBCT).”
• Replacing the terms “mechanized infantry” and “armored infantry” with “heavy brigade combat team (HBCT).”
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