Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
This manual is based on the premise that although the infantry rifle platoon organization, weapons systems, and equipment have changed, squad and platoon maneuver, fire, and movement have not.
This manual describes the doctrinal and tactical employment principles for the infantry carrier vehicle (ICV)-equipped infantry rifle platoon, which is an element within the Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT). It provides doctrine, tactics, and techniques for the infantry rifle squads and platoons of the SBCT. The focus for the manual shifts from the current light and mechanized platoons to the combination of an infantry-centric organization, three full rifle squads, and a weapons squad with an ICV for mobility.
This manual provides the rifle platoon and squad leader with tactics and techniques to exploit infantry capabilities through situational understanding that will reduce vulnerabilities and enable the parent unit to win on the battlefield. Although FM 3-21.9 reemphasizes critical information from other manuals, the user must continue to refer to other manuals for in-depth discussions of particular subjects.
Although this manual does not implement any international agreements, the material presented herein is in accordance with related international agreements.
File download size: 67 MB