Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
This field manual provides a doctrinal framework on how Infantry rifle platoons and squads fight. It also addresses rifle platoon and squad non-combat operations across the spectrum of conflict. Content discussions include principles, tactics, techniques, procedures, terms, and symbols that apply to small unit operations in the current operational environment (COE). FM 3-21.8 supersedes FM 7-8, Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad, dated 22 April 1992 (with change 1, dated 1 March 2001). It is not intended to be a stand-alone publication. To fully understand operations of the rifle platoon and squad, leaders must have an understanding of FM 3-21.10, The Infantry Rifle Company, and FM 3-21.20 (FM 7-20), The Infantry Battalion.
The primary audiences for this manual are Infantry rifle platoon leaders, platoon sergeants, and squad and fire team leaders. Secondary audiences include, instructors in U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) schools, writers of Infantry training literature, other Infantry leaders and staff officers, and Reserve Officer Training Candidate (ROTC) and military academy instructors.
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