Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
FM 3-21.11 describes the doctrinal and tactical employment principles for the Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT) infantry rifle company, which is an element of the SBCT battalion. This field manual responds to a need for emerging doctrine, tactics, and techniques for the infantry companies of the SBCT. The fundamental shift and focus for the manual is the combination of an infantry-centric organization, three full platoons, and a mobile gun system (MGS) platoon. This is a departure from the light and mechanized infantry concept.
This manual provides the company commander with tactics and techniques to exploit the infantry capabilities, to reduce vulnerabilities, and to enable the unit to win on the battlefield. This manual borrows from “nested” concepts found in FM 7-10 and FM 71-1 and reemphasizes information from other manuals that are of critical importance.
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