Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
Field Manual (FM) 3-19.50 is a new FM and is the Military Police Corps' manual for police intelligence operations (PIO) doctrine. It describes—
• The fundamentals of PIO.
• The legal documents and considerations affiliated with PIO.
• The PIO process.
• The relationship of PIO to the Army's intelligence process.
• The introduction of police and prison structures, organized crime, legal systems, investigations, crime-conducive conditions, and enforcement mechanisms and gaps (POLICE)—a tool to assess the criminal dimension and its influence on effects-based operations (EBO).
• PIO in urban operations (UO) and on installations.
• The establishment of PIO networks and associated forums and fusion cells to affect gathering police information and criminal intelligence (CRIMINT).
This manual is targeted specifically for the military police battalion staff, the Criminal Investigation Division Command (CID), the director of emergency services (DES), the provost marshal (PM), other military police leaders, and Army law enforcement (ALE) personnel who are responsible for managing and executing the PIO function. ALE includes military police and Department of the Army (DA) police and security guards.
This publication applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard (ARNG)/the Army National Guard of the United States, and the United States Army Reserve.
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