FM 3-100.4: Environmental Considerations in Military Operations
Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
This field manual (FM) guides the United States (US) Army and the US Marine Corps (USMC) in applying appropriate environmental protection procedures during all types of operations. It also provides basic techniques and procedures for units at the company, battalion, and brigade/regiment levels. This manual states the purposes of military environmental protection, a description of legal requirements, and a summary of current military programs. It also describes the growing strategic significance of environmental factors in the twenty-first century. As a unit procedures manual, it describes how to apply risk management methods to identify actions that may harm the environment and appropriate steps to prevent or mitigate damage. Appendixes provide references, formats, practical applications, checklists for self-assessment, and sources of assistance.
This doctrine applies to all Army and Marine Corps commanders and staffs (and other Department of Defense (DOD) units/staffs operating under their command authority) responsible for planning and executing operations. It applies to all soldiers and Marines as well-disciplined stewards of the natural resources of this country and protects, within mission requirements, the environment in every area of operations (AOs). For overseas theaters, this doctrine applies to US unilateral operations and US forces in multinational operations, subject to applicable host nation (HN) laws and agreements. Finally, it applies to support provided by the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP).
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