Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
Field manual (FM) 3-09.70 (6-70) is focused on Paladin-unique battalion, battery, platoon and section operations. It sets forth the doctrine pertaining to organization, equipment, command and control (C2), operations, and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for Paladin units. It establishes the duties and responsibilities of key Paladin battery personnel for field operations. FM 3-09.70 is written for the Paladin battery and platoon, as well as for the battalion commander and staff.
It is designed to be used in conjunction with the appropriate FM 6-series, FM 71-3, equipment technical manuals (TMs), Army training and evaluation program (ARTEP) mission training plans (MTPs), and soldiers' manuals.
This FM supplements doctrine and TTP outlined in FM 6-50, TTP for the Field Artillery Cannon Battery and FM 6-20-1, TTP for the Field Artillery Battalion. As applicable, those TTPs for Paladin operations which do not differ significantly from those described in FM 6-50 or FM 6-20-1 are not repeated in this manual.
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