Official US Army Field Manual in Acrobat PDF file format.
Lessons learned from previous military conflicts and recent contingency operations have caused changes in Army aviation doctrine and the development of more sophisticated aircraft and weapons systems. Army aircrew members must be capable of operating these systems around the clock, in austere environments, and under adverse conditions. They must be capable of employing these systems and avoid enemy air defense and air-to-air weapons systems. The hazards of stress and fatigue imposed by operating more sophisticated systems in combat operations and CONOPS will eventually take a toll in aircrew performance and could jeopardize mission accomplishment. Aircrew members must be trained to recognize and understand these hazards. Training can prepare aircrew members and prevent stress and fatigue from reducing their mission effectiveness and increase their chances of survival.
This manual gives aircrew members an understanding of their physiological responses to the aviation environment; it also describes the effects of the flight environment on individual mission accomplishment. In addition, it outlines the essential aeromedical training requirements (in Chapter 1) that assist the commander and flight surgeon in conducting aeromedical education for Army aircrew members. The subject areas addressed in the training are by no means all inclusive but are presented to assist aircrew members in increasing their performance and efficiency through knowing human limitations. This manual is intended for use by all Army aircrew members in meeting requirements set forth in AR 95-1, TC 1-210, and other appropriate aircrew training manuals.
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